» » Presentation of diplomas to students of the School of Polish and European Law

Presentation of diplomas to students of the School of Polish and European Law

Дата: 19-11-2020, 17:08 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Today diplomas were awarded to students of the School of Polish and European Law. Teachers and students have mastered the course "Legal Polish", studying the following disciplines: criminal law, European contract law, constitutional law, the system of justice and advocacy in Poland, Polish and European company law, the conclusion and content of contracts and the invalidity of transactions in Polish law , application of European law and its influence on Polish civil law, civil law methods of inheritance in Polish law, European system of human rights protection, rationality of law creation.

After receiving a diploma from Jagiellonian University and Western Ukrainian National University, the participants shared their impressions and thanked the project manager Liudmila Savanets and coordinator Tetiana Podkovenko for quality training and interesting experience. Oksana Desyatniuk, Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Affairs, joined the awards ceremony and congratulated the graduates and wished them further professional growth and self-improvement.

In addition to studying the disciplines of law, students at the School of Polish and European Law were offered:

- Polish legal language course;
- a course of lectures and practical classes on current and promising legal disciplines. Lectures were conducted by professors of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Jagiellonian University and invited professors from the EU, USA.

The best students of the School were offered a scholarship to do internships in prestigious Polish legal associations, law firms, banks, commercial corporations and government agencies (Warsaw, Krakow).

We invite everyone to join the School!

For detailed information contact:

eplawschool15@gmail.com, or by phone 097 482 0101 - the project coordinator Tetiana Podkovenko.