» » A meeting-seminar was held with representatives of Nord University

A meeting-seminar was held with representatives of Nord University

Дата: 20-11-2020, 17:57 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On November 20, a meeting-seminar of the participants of the Ukraine-Norway project was held at West Ukrainian National University on the topic: “Work of universities in quarantine conditions. The experience of Nord University. The event was attended by representatives of Nord University and the Classical University of Ternopil.

During the meeting, representatives of the universities of Ukraine and Norway exchanged views on the organization of the educational process of the countries in quarantine. They also talked about organizing lectures and workshops for teachers and students of the project, monitoring and reporting, planning the teaching load of teachers, remuneration, new opportunities, reduced efficiency of the educational process and ways to overcome it.

The first lecturer was Professor of Nord University Anatoli Bourmistrov, who spoke about the reaction to the pandemic and the experience of changing academic and managerial activities at Nord University in spring / autumn 2020. He put forward ideas on how COVID-19 could change the education of accountants.

Oksana Desyatnyuk, Vice-Rector for Research and Academic Affairs, was the speaker from WUNU.

The exchange of views provided a lot of useful information that will help improve the educational process in universities.