» » AUABI President Mohammad Saleem Alotti took part in the Public Diplomacy Studies project

AUABI President Mohammad Saleem Alotti took part in the Public Diplomacy Studies project

Дата: 25-11-2020, 14:16 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On November 20, AUABI President Mohammad Saleem Alotti took part in the Public Diplomacy Studies project launched by B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations.

In a meeting that lasted more than one hour and brought together 67 participants, the AUABI President highlighted the following important issues:
- The role of AUABI in the development of cooperation between Ukraine and the countries of the Arab world;
- Historical preconditions for the development of trade and economic cooperation between the countries;
- The main areas of cooperation and its features in Ukraine's foreign relations with some Arab countries;
- Prospects for Ukrainian-Arab relations.

The Intitute students took part in the discussion and were interested in the tourist attractiveness of Ukraine for the Arab world, opportunities for educational cooperation and mutual access to national markets, features of foreign policy of Arab countries, cultural cooperation.