» » Students and teachers of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting took part in an educational Global Campaign "16 Days Against Violence"

Students and teachers of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting took part in an educational Global Campaign "16 Days Against Violence"

Дата: 4-12-2020, 12:34 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 In the first days of December 2020, members of the student research group "Social Supervisor" took part in an educational campaign to prevent and combat domestic violence. The international community annually supports the 16 Days Against Violence campaign. Thousands of citizens and hundreds of state and non-governmental organizations from more than 100 countries are stepping up their efforts from November 25 to December 10 to raise public awareness of domestic violence, child abuse, human trafficking, and women's rights.

The educational action to prevent violence was conducted by students and teachers of the Department of Financial Management and Insurance on the basis of West Ukrainian University in compliance with the lockdown rules. Students placed information posters on the stands in the buildings and dormitories of WUNU, as well as distributed information materials, which listed the types of violence and outlined measures to prevent and combat domestic violence.

The event was moderated by associate professors of the Department of Financial Management and Insurance: Nadiia Liubkei and Tetiana Pysmenna. The participants of the event hope that the action will help raise public awareness of all forms of violence, increase understanding of ways to prevent and combat violence, as well as create a social space free of violence.