» » "Ukraine-Croatia: 10 steps closer"

"Ukraine-Croatia: 10 steps closer"

Дата: 15-12-2020, 17:02 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Call for projects "Ukraine - Croatia: 10 steps closer" is announced, on the initiative of the Honorary Consul of Croatia in the Western Region of Ukraine Vitalii Zapukhliak. The competition was launched for students majoring in "International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies".

The volume of the project is up to 3 pages, video, audio and other presentation materials must also be attached.
Projects must be relevant, original, creative and innovative.

The presentations will take place on the Zoom platform on January 21 (the hour will be announced to participants additionally).

The authors of the five best projects will have the opportunity to visit the Embassy of Croatia in Ukraine and talk to the Ambassador. The winner of the project will receive a monthly grant support of UAH 1,000 for a year and will be involved in Ukrainian-Croatian cooperation projects, which will be implemented during 2021 with the participation of the Honorary Consul.

Working languages of the project are Ukrainian and English.
The deadline for submission is January 14, 2021.

Submit to: steptocroatia@gmail.com

Project Coordinator: Yaryna Zhukorska, +380673530206