» » Classical University of Ternopil took 13th place in the QS EECA University Rankings

Classical University of Ternopil took 13th place in the QS EECA University Rankings

Дата: 16-12-2020, 13:49 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Today, the annual international ranking of higher education institutions QS EECA University Rankings was published. West Ukrainian National University ranks 13th among the best institutions of higher education in Ukraine. This means prestige and recognition.

QS EECA University Rankings is a rating of universities in Europe and Central Asia. It was formed by the British agency Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) in 2014 and includes the 350 best universities in the region.

Higher education institutions are evaluated by ten criteria, which are formed from 9 indicators:

Academic reputation — 30 %,

Employer reputation — 20 %,

Faculty/student ratio — 10 %,

Papers per faculty — 10 %,

International research network — 10 %,

Web impact — 5 %,

Staff with a PhD — 5 %,

Citations per paper — 5 %,

International faculty and international students - 2,5 %.

We are proud that the rating, which is formed by an independent international company, testifies to our status and significant achievements of the teaching staff of the Classical University of Ternopil.