» » The First International School of World Educational Practices "New Way" is now closed!

The First International School of World Educational Practices "New Way" is now closed!

Дата: 29-12-2020, 12:20 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The aura of kindness, warm emotions and light nostalgia permeated the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Classical University of Ternopil in the days before Christmas. After all, the First International School of World Educational Practices "New Way", which was focused on raising the level of professional development of teachers and students of Legal Journalism, recently closed its doors.

Three and a half weeks of media law intensive classes, four highly qualified speakers, eight productive lectures, sixteen academic hours of interactive communication, seventeen inquisitive participants - all this flashed in a moment, because it was very interesting! Inspired by new knowledge and experience of cross-cultural interaction, the project participants gave positive feedback, because getting such invaluable understanding of Georgian and international media law first hand is invaluable. At the end, all lecturers and atendees were awarded certificates of participation with the topics of lectures and accounted academic time specified.

The organizers of the School express their sincere gratitude to the administration of West Ukrainian National University - Rector Andriy Krysovatyy and Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research (International Activities) Oksana Desyatnyuk - for significant support of international initiatives of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Therefore, we are pleased to state the fact that the First International School of World Educational Practices "New Way" has been a success! In February 2021, the Second School will be held for Georgian students, which will be dedicated to mediation and the art of negotiation. The lecturers will include Ukrainian professors from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of WUNU. We plan to hold the Third School with another university and dedicate it to the issues of psychology.