» » Rector of the Classical University of Ternopil offers congratulations on the New Year!

Rector of the Classical University of Ternopil offers congratulations on the New Year!

Дата: 31-12-2020, 13:04 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Meeting the New Year is an amazing time, it is a step into the future with new challenges and opportunities. Each of us will open the book of life in 2021 and write a special story on the blank pages of the days to come.

May the magical charm of these holidays shine through the smiles of your loved ones, greetings from friends, and familiarity of beloved places. May the coming year be a year of peace, health, positive change and realization, a year of good news and significant events. I wish everyone generosity and love, luck and sincere hapiness, mutual understanding and respect, warmth and light in your homes.