» » Finale of the scholarship project "Ukraine - Croatia: 10 steps forward"

Finale of the scholarship project "Ukraine - Croatia: 10 steps forward"

Дата: 29-01-2021, 11:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 January 27 at B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations has seen the final round of the scholarship project "Ukraine - Croatia: 10 steps forward" organized with the support of the Honorary Consul of Croatia in the Western region of Ukraine Vitalii Zapukhliak.

After the first round, five entries were selected for the finale. It was difficult to choose the best project, because everyone was interesting and original. Students covered the topics of tourism, medicine, economics, global development goals, gender equality and many others.

The chosen winner was Marta Demchan, a student of the group MVSK-11. Marta will receive a scholarship for 2021, as well as the opportunity to work with the Honorary Consul on the development of relations between Ukraine and Croatia.

All finalists received an invitation to the Embassy of Croatia in Ukraine, where they will soon have the opportunity to meet with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Croatia to Ukraine Anica Djamić.

This is the first project of WUNU Institute of International Relations in the new semester. There are still many interesting things ahead!

Congratulations to the winner, all finalists and participants of the contest "Ukraine-Croatia: 10 steps"!