» » Discussion panel "Poland - Ukraine: audit, local and global aspects"

Discussion panel "Poland - Ukraine: audit, local and global aspects"

Дата: 2-02-2021, 18:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On January 28, a discussion panel "Poland - Ukraine: audit, local and global aspects" / "Polska - Ukraine: audyt, aspekty lokalne i globalne" was organized by the Department of Financial Control and Audit of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting (Olsztyn, Republic of Poland). The event was dedicated to topical issues of auditing in the context of global and local challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic. The organizers of the panel discussion chose Polish as their working language.

The participants were greeted by prof. Mykhailo Luchko (Head of WUNU Department of Financial Control and Audit, Doctor of Economic Sciences and licensed auditor) and prof. Stanislaw Schmitka (Head of the Department of Economics of Olsztyn Higher School), who highlighted the key challenges that auditors around the world face today. Participants also had the opportunity to take part in the discussion of interesting online reports in Polish by both Ukrainian and Polish students.

The lively panel, which was attended by 53 participants, showcased the maturity of young scientists and wisdom of experienced practitioners from both Ukraine and Poland.