» » WUNU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences expands its international cooperation

WUNU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences expands its international cooperation

Дата: 15-02-2021, 16:16 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

  On February 12, an extremely interesting webinar on "The Education System in Canada: Democratic Values and Approaches" was conducted.

Speaker - Galyna ARNAUTOVA (Fanshawe College International Advisor, Regional Manager of Fanshawe College, official representative of Fanshawe College in Europe and the CIS) (London, Ontario, Canada).

Among the topics were the difference between the provision of educational services in Ukrainian and foreign countries and interesting information about studying at public universities in Canada.

At the end of the meeting the parties agreed on further cooperation and joint scientific, educational and cultural events.