» » Discussion platform "Social adaptation of servicemen in their transition to civilian life: open dialogues"

Discussion platform "Social adaptation of servicemen in their transition to civilian life: open dialogues"

Дата: 26-02-2021, 20:10 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On February 25, the discussion platform "Social adaptation of servicemen in their transition to civilian life: open dialogues" was launched at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of West Ukrainian National University.

The event was attended by teachers and students of WUNU, journalists, volunteers, and servicemen. The guest of honor was an American retired military officer, Captain of the United States Navy Gary Tabach.

The key issue of the meeting was the social adaptation of servicemen in their transition to civilian life, which Captain Tabach experienced firsthand. The participants had a chance to conduct a comparative analysis of sorts of professional adaptation of servicemen in Ukraine and the United States. The event was attended by students of the "Ukraine-Norway" retraining program for discharged servicemen, veterans and members of their families, which has been successfully operating at the university since 2012.