» » International project “International mobility - opportunities and problems. Proper preparation for studying at a foreign university"

International project “International mobility - opportunities and problems. Proper preparation for studying at a foreign university"

Дата: 22-03-2021, 17:05 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The international project “International Mobility - Opportunities and Challenges. Proper preparation for studying at a foreign university” has kicked off the Classical University of Ternopil. The project concerns study within the framework ofErasmus + programme, which is based on the cooperation of Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland), International Hellenic University (Greece), University of Pannonia (Hungary) and West Ukrainian National University (Ukraine).

The project is aimed at the development of intercultural competencies that allow each participant to improve their professional skills and improve the quality of educational services.

To participate, email to o.sobko@wunu.edu.ua