» » Lecture by a judge of the Supreme Court of Poland

Lecture by a judge of the Supreme Court of Poland

Дата: 16-03-2021, 09:51 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 A lecture course "Basic Principles of the Judiciary and Advocacy in Poland" was held for students of WUNU School of Polish and European Law. Lecturer - Judge of the Supreme Court of Poland, Professor of the University of Warsaw Adam Redzik.

The class focused on the discussion of judicial reform in Poland, problematic aspects of the activities of the bar in Poland and the EU, the feasibility of dividing human rights defenders in Poland into lawyers and legal advisers.

Prof. Redzik focused on the specifics of the COVID-19 pandemic, the mechanism of proportionality of the need to restrict human rights to ensure public and national security, the protection of the rights and interests of others, and the mission of the European Court of Human Rights today.