» » Global Money Week is over!

Global Money Week is over!

Дата: 29-03-2021, 12:54 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Nataliia Karpyshyn, Associate Professor of S.I. Yuriy Department of Finance, organized an online meeting "6 moments of GMW: unforgettable memories". The event highlighted the importance of the coordinators of the group "Financial Education", thier selfless work with students and promotion of financial literacy.

The memories of all those present at the meeting were full of warmth and incredible positivity. They all remembered how they had been preparing interesting and meaningful events dedicated to the World Money Week for six days. Invited guests and regular partners on GMW - students and teachers of Ternopil primary school "Erudite" and Vyacheslav Chornovil Galician College recalled how they participated in many events, including "Financial Race" and Selfie-flash mob with undisguised nostalgia.

Throughout the existence of the group "Financial Education", the participants have accumulated a lot of pleasant memories. The boys and girls thanked coordinators for the "cool 6 years together", which is the highest praise coordinators can get! The online meeting "6 moments of GMW: unforgettable memories" marked the end of the Global Money Week 2021 and promised new discoveries over the horizon!