» » II International School of World Educational Practices "New Way"

II International School of World Educational Practices "New Way"

Дата: 29-03-2021, 13:05 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Classes at the II International School of World Educational Practices "New Way" have crossed the equator and this week participants will have the opportunity to attend the exceptionally interesting lectures on the art of negotiation. Speaker: Vadim Rakhlis - Professional negotiator, certified mediator of the European Union, founder and director of the International Chamber of Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Bureau of Negotiations, president of the VIP Club of negotiators, hostage release expert, and mediator in dispute resolution, certified master of NLP, Lecturer of Department Educology and Pedagogy, West Ukrainian National University.

Vadim Rakhlis has more than 20 years of experience in negotiating in extreme conditions (Israel, Kazakhstan, Ukraine), is the winner of the nomination "Idea of the Future" at the Davos World Communication Forum, 2016, organizer and teacher of the first children's mobile group of negotiators and the first Crisis Group negotiators of the National Police of Ukraine in Kyiv, author of the textbook "Negotiations and Mediation", educational projects - "Talk and Negotiate", "Talk and Neutralize", "Negotiation Simulator".

During the four lectures, participants will consider the issues of dialogue and negotiations in the system of peacekeeping activities of civil society institutions; learn all about manipulations; get acquainted with the personal professional experience of crisis negotiations of the speaker; study the main features of crisis negotiations in extreme conditions with volatile individuals; master the psychotechnologies of conflict-free communication and negotiation (techniques of active listening, art of open questions, techniques of controlling someone else's aggression and psychological aikido, principles of psychological amortization, secrets of nonverbal communication, the role of emotional intelligence in resolving disputes, etc.).