» » Lecture courses for students of the School of Polish and European Law

Lecture courses for students of the School of Polish and European Law

Дата: 30-03-2021, 13:31 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On March 26 and 27, lecture courses "Codification of Private Law in the European Union" and "Law of Central and Eastern Europe and Methods of Comparative Law" were held for students of the School of Polish and European Law.

Lecturer - Fryderyk Zoll, Professor of Civil Law, Jagiellonian University, Professor of European Private Law, Comparative Law and Polish Private Law at the University of Osnabrück, Member of the Board of the European Institute of Law.

Participants discussed current issues of codification of private law of the European Union, the influence of the American Institute of Law on the systematization of European private law, the future of the Franco-German European Commercial Code and the legal systems of today.