» » Classical University of Ternopil became a partner in the USAID project

Classical University of Ternopil became a partner in the USAID project

Дата: 30-03-2021, 14:21 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Classical University of Ternopil is one of the best 14 institutions of higher education in Ukraine and the only one in Ternopil, which became a participant in the USAID project "Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructure of Ukraine". This project brings together the efforts of renowned scientists to improve higher education in cybersecurity. The selection methodology involved a comparative analysis of the achievements of different types of universities on the basis of a number of universal international criteria.

The USAID project aims to make our country's infrastructure more resilient to cyberattacks by building trust and cooperation between such key cybersecurity stakeholders as the government, private business, the scientific community, and civil society. The goal of USAID's cybersecurity activities is to help Ukraine reduce the vulnerability of its critical infrastructure and turn our country into a powerful, active industry leader.

The results of the selection confirm the high level of professionalism of the academic staff of West Ukrainian National University, which provides students with the opportunity to gain modern knowledge and useful practical skills necessary for successful self-realization.