» » Launch of German language courses

Launch of German language courses

Дата: 2-04-2021, 16:03 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On April 1, the Ukrainian-German faculty-programme of West Ukrainian National University has officially opened online German language courses on the platform of the Dresden Technical University.

The participants heard from:
prof. Alexander Kemnitz, DSG Coordinator at Dresden University of Technology;
prof. Olga Tsaryk, head of the Ukrainian-German faculty-programme at WUNU;
prof. Iryna Zvarych, Head of the Department of International Economics;
Christel Matzke, Sabine Paulitz, Verena Barth, and Ingrid Stude, German language teachers at Dresden University of Technology.

Then the teachers of our partner university got acquainted with the students. On the basis of testing conducted in March, students of the Ukrainian-German faculty-programme were divided into subgroups according to their level of knowledge.
German classes for each group will be conducted three times a week and will last for three months.