» » Lecture course "Case law of the EU Court of Justice in the field of copyright".

Lecture course "Case law of the EU Court of Justice in the field of copyright".

Дата: 13-04-2021, 15:02 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students of the School of Polish and European Law had a chance to attend a lecture course "Practice of the EU Court of Justice in the field of copyright" on April 7 and 8.

Lecturer - Doctor of Jagiellonian University, lawyer, mediator Sybilla Stanislawska-Kloc.

Participants studied the peculiarities of establishing the authorship of the work and invention, the source of copyright of the European Union, the specifics of e-learning during the pandemic, the case law of the Court of Justice on the fair use of texts, the relationship between commercialization of intellectual property rights and copyright protection on the Internet.