» » 14th International Scientific Practical Conference for Young Scientists and Students

14th International Scientific Practical Conference for Young Scientists and Students

Дата: 17-04-2021, 12:40 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The 14th International Scientific and Practical Conference for Young Scientists and Students "Innovational Processes of Economic and Socio-Cultural Development: Domestic and Foreign Experience" organized by B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations of West Ukrainian National University was held on April 14-15.

The plenary session was opened by WUNU Vice-Rector for Research prof. Zadorozhnyy, Director of B. Havrylyshyn ERRIR prof. Ivashchuk, Head of the Department of International Economic Relations prof. Zvarych and Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations Dr. (Econ.) Sokhatska. Welcoming remarks were made by our foreign partners - Professor of Aarhus University Bjarne Schlichter (Denmark) and Professor of Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Honorary Doctor of WUNU Anetta Zielinska (Poland).

Reports were presented and discussions were held in Ukrainian, English and Polish on the most relevant areas of innovation and socio-cultural development: investment processes in the global environment, institutional support for economic growth, prospects for national economy, international economic relations in the 21st century in the theory and practice of management and marketing, modern information technologies in management and marketing and intercultural communication in business communication.

In total, the conference was attended by over 100 participants from Ukraine, Poland, Denmark and China, including undergraduate, graduate students, lecturers, associate professors and professors. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students will be published shortly.

The recording of the conference can be viewed on the YouTube channel of the Department of International Economic Relations at the following links:

https://l.facebook.com/l.php... (plenary session)

https://l.facebook.com/l.php... (sections)