» » WUNU is expanding its international cooperation

WUNU is expanding its international cooperation

Дата: 19-04-2021, 14:36 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On April 19, Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between West Ukrainian National University and the Vocational Technical Institute of Jiuquan (People's Republic of China).

Within the framework of cooperation, the rectors agreed to jointly organize educational events, exchange experience, conduct research and retraining of teachers, publish scientific, educational and methodological materials.

It is important to note that the Jiuquan Vocational and Technical Institute is one of the highest ranked institutes of the People's Republic of China. Classical University of Ternopil is an elite and modern institution of higher education, always open to new cooperation. It is nice to note that young people from the People's Republic of China are starting their studies at the university in Preparatory Department and in specialties "Professional Education" and "International Economics" for obtaining the Master's degree.