» » Opening of the 2021 Bukovel Academic Spring School

Opening of the 2021 Bukovel Academic Spring School

Дата: 13-05-2021, 12:54 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On May 13, the 2021 Bukovel Academic Spring School (BASS-2021) on "Internationalization of higher education in the context of developing culture and public diplomacy" was launched.

Rector of the Classical University of Ternopil Andriy Krysovatyy greeted the participants and made a report on "Trends and features of the internationalization of higher education in the dimension of the third millennium".

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the Republic of Tajikistan Vasyl Servatyuk joined with some welcoming remarks. The Ambassador also told the audience about the development of cultural and diplomatic relations between Ukraine and Tajikistan.

Vadym Rakhlis, professional negotiator, certified mediator of the European Union, founder and director of the International Chamber of Alternative Dispute Resolution and the Bureau of Negotiations and Oksana Koval, associate professor, deputy dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of West Ukrainian National University acquainted the participants with interactive tools for successful political, economic, military, trade, humanitarian and crisis negotiations in extreme conditions.

Mohammad Jammal, doctor of philosophy in Educational Management and Leadership Policy, The British University in Dubai (International Higher Education in the Context of The Development of Cultural and Public Diplomacy) also shared his knowledge.

Associate Professor of the Toyama University of International Studies Bohdan Pavlii spoke about the challenges and prospects of educational and scientific diplomacy in Japan.

Report of the Vice President  of UACE and Director of the ICEA (USA) Elena Seitz closed out the work of the first day of the Spring Academic School in Bukovel.

BASS-2021 is an opportunity to get acquainted with the theoretical and practical aspects of Ukraine's ever-expanding activities in the field of modern diplomatic relations, join successful international projects of the Ukrainian-American Association of College Educators (UAACE) and find partners to implement innovative ideas.