» » The second day of the Spring Academic School in Bukovel, BASS-2021

The second day of the Spring Academic School in Bukovel, BASS-2021

Дата: 14-05-2021, 13:27 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The second day of the Spring Academic School Bukovel-2021 began with a speech by Violetta Udovik, Second Secretary of the Embassy of Ukraine in Japan on cultural and humanitarian issues, who focused her attention on the cultural diplomacy of Ukraine in Japan.

The rector of the classical university of Ternopil Andriy Krysovatyy joined the participants again and highlighted the main vectors of internationalization of higher education and the peculiarities of learning in today's realities.

Other notable participants of the academic school included:

Anna TERTYCHNA - Candidate of Historical Sciences, Diplomat (Adviser at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine), Member of the Scientific Society of the History of Diplomacy and International Relations.

Anastasiia SIMAKHOVA - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Vice-President of the Ukrainian Association of International Economists, Executive Director of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Foundation for Regional Studies.

Violetta UDOVIK - PhD, Master of Law (University of Tokyo), Second Secretary of the Embassy of Ukraine in Japan on Cultural and Humanitarian Affairs.

Mag. Esther DREXLER - The University College of Teacher Education Vienna, (Austria).

Мag. Verena GRATZER -  The University College of Teacher Education Vienna, (Austria).

Prof. Dr. Christian RUDLOFF -  The University College of Teacher Education Vienna (Austria).