» » Norway-Ukraine project - diploma ceremony at the classical university of Ternopil

Norway-Ukraine project - diploma ceremony at the classical university of Ternopil

Дата: 25-05-2021, 16:42 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Teachers, families of servicemen, guests, graduates of the past semesters gathered in a light atmosphere to celebrate. Oksana Desyatnyuk, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research (International Relations), addressed all those present with a welcoming speech: “Today is a particularly long day when we, our dear students, are graduating.

Today is a particularly exciting day, because you, our dear students, are finishing your studies. During this period, we tried to give you not only quality knowledge, but also to give you a piece of our hearts, our support, our friendship. We do not say "goodbye" to you, but wish that you will be able to find yourself beyonf these walls. Rest assured that we are here and always ready to come to your aid."

The celebration was attended by: Head of the Ternopil Department of the Military Law Enforcement Service, Colonel Ivan Buhai, Head of the Ternopil City Organization of ATO Veterans Dmytro Haitko, specialists of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs in Ternopil region Iryna Skaskiv and Khrystyna Fetsitsa, Executive Director of the NGO "Social innovations" Volodymyr Uhryn, and the Head of Saranchuk UTC Volodymyr Petrovskyi.

During the ceremony, the rector of the Classical University of Ternopil Andriy Krysovatyy thanked by the best students of the project, while the public organization "Educational and Social Innovations" offered them monetary awards for starting their own business.

The Norway-Ukraine project is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, main coordinator in Ukraine is the International Foundation for Social Adaptation.