» » Start of the renewed II International Scientific Internship Program

Start of the renewed II International Scientific Internship Program

Дата: 10-08-2021, 11:01 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On August 12, the renewed and expanded II International Scientific Internship Program "Outstanding Personalities: Studying Experience and Professional Achievements for Forming a Successful Personality and Transforming of the World" will start in Dubai, Rome, New York, Jerusalem, and Beijing.

It is aimed at lawyers, economists, philologists, linguists, historians, political scientists, internationalists, military, journalists, psychologists, architects, physicists, mathematicians, physicians, biologists, geographers, philosophers, art critics, musicians, artists, educators, government officials, physical culture and sports professionals, as well as managers of all levels and future leaders.

Translation and subtitles are provided, and it is possible to watch the original in English.

Participation: remote as a video recording, which allows you to watch speeches and lectures at a convenient time.

The program will run from August 12 to October 12, 2021.

Registration deadline: August 12, 2021, via the official e-mail of the institute: internship@whfpdubai.com

Registration fee - 2700 hryvnias. The international educational grant covers the remaining cost of the program, in the amount of 65,800 hryvnias.

Detailed information on the website: https://whfpdubai.com/uk/mizhnarodne-naukove-stazhuvannya