» » Meeting with the rector of the Netherlands Business Academy

Meeting with the rector of the Netherlands Business Academy

Дата: 30-07-2021, 12:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Yesterday Professor Andriy Krysovatyy, Rector of West Ukrainian National University, met with the Rector of the Netherlands Business Academy, Professor Jan van Zwieten RA, RI, RO (Breda, the Netherlands).

The meeting was used to discuss the main conditions for signing an agreement between universities and the main vectors of cooperation. The Rector of WUNU invited prof. van Zwieten to join the International Week at the Classical University of Ternopil.

The director of WUNU International School of Communications, Professor Olha Tsaryk joined the meeting with her own suggestions.

We are convinced that the meeting will mark the beginning of effective cooperation and strengthen the partnership between Ukraine and the Netherlands in the field of education!