» » International Scientific and Practical Conference

International Scientific and Practical Conference

Дата: 15-07-2021, 13:21 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On September 8-9, within the framework of the Third International Week, West Ukrainian National University will host the IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Determinants of Fiscal Policy: Local and International Dimension".

Event will consider:
1. Novelization trends of modern fiscal policy.
2. The tax system of Ukraine in terms of geoeconomic imbalances.
3. New approaches to public finance management.
4. Modeling of fiscal relations.
5. Current priorities for the development of household finances.
6. Paradigm of financial management development under the influence of global changes and megatrends.
7. Financial policy of sustainable development of the agricultural sector of the economy.
8. Current issues and innovative approaches to the development of insurance and increasing competitiveness of the insurance market.
9. Global trends in modern banking.
10. Accounting, analysis, audit and taxation: the main trends.

Working languages of the conference - Ukrainian, English.
Form of participation - remote.

To participate in the Conference you need to register at: https://forms.gle/fp6VVoVx2PgKPw6Z6.
Organizing Committee: organization.conferences@gmail.com
Coordinator: Oksana Tulai (o.tulai@wunu.edu.ua)