» » Working meeting of the International School of Communications

Working meeting of the International School of Communications

Дата: 13-07-2021, 13:34 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On July 13, the International School of Communications held a work meeting via the Zoom platform and WUNU professionals were joined by an expert from Austria.

The participants of the meeting: WUNU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research prof. Oksana Desyatnyuk, Head of the Negotians and Conflict Resolusion master's programme Vadym Rakhlis (PhD), Guarantor of said master's programme assoc. prof. Oksana Koval, Acting Head of the International School of Communications prof. Olha Tsaryk, Negotiation coach Svitlana Kalitsun (Master of Law, Vienna School of Negotiations, Austria).

During the meeting, the possibility of cooperation between the Vienna School of Negotiations and the involvement of Austrian negotiators in teaching courses for the master's programme "Negotiations and Conflict Resolution" were discussed.