» » A memorandum of cooperation with Guangxi University for Nationalities

A memorandum of cooperation with Guangxi University for Nationalities

Дата: 6-07-2021, 16:28 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Classical University of Ternopil creates new opportunities for university students and faculty. A memorandum of cooperation with Guangxi University for Nationalities (People's Republic of China) was signed today at West Ukrainian National University.

Within the framework of the partnership, the parties agreed to organize joint events and mobility exchanges, improve and enhance the educational process, exchange publications and research data, as well as promote the culture of our peoples.

Rector Andriy Krysovatyy stressed: “Ukrainian-Chinese relations are moving to a new level every time. Today we are signing a memorandum of cooperation, which shows that we are ready for changes in the educational process. Together with our Chinese colleagues, we are opening new frontiers for students and faculty, because now the youth of our higher education institution will study in China, and Chinese boys and girls will study in our country. Fresh views, interesting ideas and projects, innovation and openness are the key to success!”