» » Students of Hebei Foreign Studies University will study at WUNU

Students of Hebei Foreign Studies University will study at WUNU

Дата: 24-06-2021, 18:10 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Today we are taking another important step in the international arena - students of the People's Republic of China will study at our classical university in Ternopil. We have established our lines of communications by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation between West Ukrainian National University and Hebei Foreign Studies University.

Within the framework of this agreement, the parties have agreed to exchange experience and discussed methods of collaboration in the field of research and teaching at the Bachelor's, Master's and Postgraduate levels, as well as the promotion of Chinese and Ukrainian languages.

Rector Andriy Krysovatyy addressed WUNU's new partners: “Together we are growing, improving, introducing innovations in the educational process, expanding international activities and deepening cooperation, confirming our progress in the development of education, science and culture. I am confident that by working together, we will be able to add to the glorious traditions of our friendly peoples!”

Rector and President of Hebei Foreign Studies University Sun Jianzhong invited the teaching staff to come to China: "I am very pleased that we have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Classical University of Ternopil, because your higher education institution is one of the leading in Ukraine - it is proof that you are a prestigious scientific institution. This moment shows that we are ready for a new stage of training highly qualified specialists."

During the meeting, Andriy Krysovatyy congratulated the participants of the grand opening of the Representative Offices of West Ukrainian National University in the provinces of the People's Republic of China, namely in:

in Xiamen (Fujian Province);

in Chengdu (Sichuan Province);

in Kunming (Yunnan Province);

in Nanning (Guangxi Province);

in Nanchang (Jiangxi Province);

in Dezhou (Shandong Province).

The head of the Ukrainian-Chinese Center "The Belt and Road" Wang Yitan joined with a welcoming speech: "Modern educational programs, interesting learning combined with practical classes, new trends in science, international internships give our students the opportunity to become successful and promising professionals. I am extremely pleased that Chinese youth have the opportunity to study at a Ukrainian university!”