» » Signing a contract with an authorized examination center "Cambridge Club"

Signing a contract with an authorized examination center "Cambridge Club"

Дата: 7-09-2021, 17:14 | Автор: Information and Public Relations Department

The rector of the Classical University of Ternopil Andriy Krysovatyy met with the director of the Cambridge Club Limited Liability Company Nadiia Prystupa. During the conversation, a cooperation agreement was signed between West Ukrainian National University and the authorized examination center "Cambridge Club". The parties discussed the opening of the Cambridge Assessment Preparation Center on the basis of the Classical University of Ternopil and planned a number of activities aimed at improving the skills of English language teachers. "We reiterate that we are ready to open new projects in the educational space. Together with you, we give our students and scientists the opportunity to improve and grow. Providing quality educational services is the main task of the teaching staff of our university. Together we will establish international communication," said the rector.