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Partners from Aarhus University

Дата: 7-09-2021, 18:14 | Автор: Information and Public Relations Department

On the first day of the International Week, West Ukrainian National University hosted a lecture Bjarne Rerup Schlichter, Associate Professor at the University of Aarhus (Denmark) on "The diversity of job levels in the experiment with the challenge of digital innovation." The scientist talked to students and teachers of Bohdan Havrylyshyn Educational and Research Institute of International Relations.  After the lecture, a meeting was held with the rector of the higher education institution Andriy Krysovatyy, where the scientists had the opportunity to talk about the development of new vectors of cooperation.

Bjarne Rerup Schlichter thanked for the invitation to visit the university again and assured that his visit has a practical direction, namely: to help young lecturers with publications abroad.

Bjarne is convinced that the university has a strong scientific potential and promising young people. "I want to come to you in a month with a series of lectures for students, as well as invite lecturers to visit the University of Aarhus," said Mr. Schlichter.