» » Signing an agreement with the Professional Association of Mediators of Bulgaria

Signing an agreement with the Professional Association of Mediators of Bulgaria

Дата: 7-09-2021, 19:18 | Автор: Information and Public Relations Department

A cooperation agreement was signed between West Ukrainian National University and the Professional Association of Mediators of Bulgaria within the framework of the Third International Week.

"I am glad to welcome Eliza Nikolova at the Classical University of Ternopil - President of the Association, lawyer, psychologist, certified mediator, professor of Plovdiv University "Paisii Hilendarski". Our agreements are new opportunities for students and lecturers of West Ukrainian National University, who will have the opportunity to intern, study, participate in international projects on the basis of the Professional Association of Mediators of Bulgaria, "said Rector Andriy Krysovatyy.

"The most important area of ​​work under the cooperation agreement will be the internship of students of the program "Negotiations and Conflict Resolution "of West Ukrainian National University on the basis of the Professional Association of Mediators in Bulgaria in the summer of 2022. After the internship, students will receive certificates of mediators," said Eliza Nikolova in a speech.

Cooperation with Bulgarian colleagues is a new vector for the development of international relations of the educational institution.