» » Memorandum with Netherlands Business Academy was signed

Memorandum with Netherlands Business Academy was signed

Дата: 9-09-2021, 10:30 | Автор: Information and Public Relations Department

 A memorandum of cooperation was signed between West Ukrainian National University and the Netherlands Business Academy.
Rector Andriy Krysovatyy addressed congratulatory words: "I am glad that the Rector of Netherlands Business Academy Jan van Zwieten visited the Classical University of Ternopil. Your visit to the university is special, because today we are signing a memorandum - a document that proves that international communication is the main aspect of strengthening friendly relationships. Our goal is to promote the improvement of education, create the best conditions for student learning and teacher certification training, organize exchange programs and jointly conduct research activities, as well as implementation of innovative and research projects".
Rector Jan van Zwieten noted: "Main vectors of our international relationship is multifaceted. We are always open to new research in the scientific, educational and cultural fields. I am confident that our partnership will be effective, taken into account the achievements of your leading higher education institution".