» » Dear students, take part in the competitive selection for semester studies abroad!

Dear students, take part in the competitive selection for semester studies abroad!

Дата: 15-09-2021, 16:05 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students of economic specialties who study in programs focused on international economic activity can participate in the competitive selection for semester studies (second semester of 2021-22 academic year) at the InHolland University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands).

All necessary documents must to be submitted by September 27, 2021 (the list of documents and additional information is below).

Documents (scanned copies) are submitted electronically to mev@wunu.edu.ua (in the subject of the email indicate participation in the competitive selection for semester training).

For detailed information, contact the Department of International Economic Relations (r. 1410, WUNU Building № 1, tel. 47-50-75).

The working hours of the selection committee will be announced later.

Warning! The form of academic mobility may be affected by the epidemiological situation and quarantine restrictions.

zavantazhennja-nholland.doc [41 Kb] (Downloads: 5)