» » Cooperation with leading universities of the People's Republic of China

Cooperation with leading universities of the People's Republic of China

Дата: 8-09-2021, 17:58 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Memorandums of cooperation with Guilin University of Technology and Yunnan Technology and Business University of the People's Republic of China were signed today at West Ukrainian National University.

Rector Andriy Krysovatyy said in his welcoming speech, “The signing of cooperation agreements is a historic moment for our higher education institutions, as Guilin University of Technology and Yunnan Technology and Business University occupy leading positions in China's education. Maintaining partnerships with various countries, we implement new promising programmes in education for young people, teachers and scientists, promote international communication of our teaching staff, young men and women in order to grow professionally, culturally and economically".

Guilin University of Technology was founded in 1956. With more than 2,000 faculty and staff, 19 faculties, it offers doctoral, graduate and undergraduate programs, as well as vocational training projects for more than 39,000 full-time students. The rector of this university, Jie Qinglin, invited the academic community of the Classical University of Ternopil to visit the People's Republic of China and wished for this success in the scientific field, as well as new promising ideas in the field of education.

Yunnan Technology and Business University was founded in 1999 and now has more than 28,000 students and 1,333 faculty members. The signed memorandum with the first private HEI of Yunnan testifies to the fact that the parties are making a joint contribution to improving the quality of educational services. Rector Zhang Xuezhan congratulated the audience on the beginning of the new cooperation and noted that the relations of peoples give everyone the opportunity to discover something innovative and unusual.

Within the framework of the partnership, the parties agreed on the exchange of teachers and practice-oriented training of students, the implementation of joint research activities.