» » Opening of the Chinese-Ukrainian Master's Training Center

Opening of the Chinese-Ukrainian Master's Training Center

Дата: 19-10-2021, 16:42 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Today, WUNU launched a new Chinese-Ukrainian Training Center within the project "One Belt, One Road".

Rector of WUNU Andriy Krysovatyy addressed the audience, “Today we open new scientific opportunities for graduate and postgraduate students, because our goal is to promote the development of Chinese-Ukrainian relations. I am convinced that our quality work will ensure the successful implementation of projects at the international level".

Deputy Head of Ternopil Regional State Administration Viktor Ustenko noted, "Ternopil Regional State Administration fully supports the development of educational cooperation and cultural exchange between our countries. This is an important aspect in establishing friendly relations between the two countries: Ukraine and the People's Republic of China".

Olha Pokhyliak, Head of the Department of Education and Science of the Ternopil City Council, said, “Ternopil is a student city. We cooperate culturally and educationally with many countries around the world. I sincerely congratulate the academic community of West Ukrainian National University on the opening of the Chinese-Ukrainian Training Center within the project "One Belt, One Road".

An agreement on the implementation of Chinese-Ukrainian international cooperation projects was also signed (between West Ukrainian National University and Jiuquan Vocational Technical College). Rector Yi Zhijun said, "This is a historic moment for our higher education institutions, because by maintaining partnerships we introduce new promising programs for young people, teachers and scientists, as well as grow professionally and culturally."