» » International Conference "Advanced Computer Information Technologies" announces call for papers

International Conference "Advanced Computer Information Technologies" announces call for papers

Дата: 3-11-2021, 10:53 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Dear colleagues!

Submission of papers for participation in the ACIT’2022 International Conference, which will take place June 9-11, 2022 in Spiška Kapitula, Slovakia, is open.

Event organizers:

West Ukrainian National University, Ukraine;
Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slovakia;
University of Southern Bohemia, Czech Republic;
Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Germany;

Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Poland;

Czechoslovakia Section of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

The accepted papers will be published through the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, as well as other databases of abstracts and indexing (A&I) (Scopus, Web of Science, DBLP, etc.). The conference proceedings are assigned ISSN, ISBN and a unique DOI.

This is a great opportunity to share ideas, results and discoveries!

Information on dates, requirements for registration and other organizational aspects ar available at:  http://acit.wunu.edu.ua/