» » G7 Ambassadors visited WUNU

G7 Ambassadors visited WUNU

Дата: 20-10-2021, 18:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Ambassadors of the G7 countries to Ukraine and the Head of the EU Delegation in Ukraine visited the classical university of Ternopil today.

The rector of WUNU told the delegation about the university and gave a tour of the campus. Boys and girls of the Classical University of Ternopil had the opportunity to talk to the diplomats as well.

The G7 ambassadors to Ukraine spoke with young people about the creation of a new European Defense Union and the Crimean Platform, Ukraine's accession to NATO, the G7's influence on ending the war in eastern Ukraine, the uncontrolled flow of information in the world, countries coming together to solve problems, cultural differences of states, the importance of international projects for the university. Representatives of the diplomatic corps noted that students at West Ukrainian National University are erudite, which is a very important aspect in their future profession.

At the end of the meeting, the young men and women took a joint photo with the Ambassadors and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to communicate and discuss serious topics, as dialogue with representatives of different countries comprehensively develops and forms a successful generation of young professionals.