» » A meeting with businesswoman Anna Gorkun

A meeting with businesswoman Anna Gorkun

Дата: 4-11-2021, 15:14 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Education and Research Institute "Ternopil Business School" of West Ukrainian National University invites everyone to participate in a meeting with one of the youngest businesswomen of large business in Ukraine, owner and CEO of wine company "46 Parallel Wine Group" and CEO of "Inkerman Ukraine" - Anna Gorkun. The event will be held on November 11 at 17:00. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3284413912

Anna was in the TOP-25 successful women of Ukrainian business in 2020, TOP-25 best managers in the country in the "Power of Money" rating, and the TOP-33 most successful SelfMadeWomen of Ukraine according to Forbes Ukraine.

Many years of managing wine business have ensured that Anna has her own philosophy and views on what Ukrainian winemaking should be.

Moderator - Oleh Lutsyshyn, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the Education and Research Institute of Advanced Educational Technologies of WUNU.