» » Winners of the "New Generation" competition of student group presentations

Winners of the "New Generation" competition of student group presentations

Дата: 9-11-2021, 18:29 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Every year West Ukrainian National University holds a competition of presentations among new student groups. Weeks of preparation ensure a successful start for first-year students, while anticipation of the results makes this the event of the year at the Classical University of Ternopil.

This year, applicants submitted 50 video presentations, proving once again that WUNU students are the most creative individuals. 

According to the results of jury evaluation and popular vote:

I place - group PR-12 (Faculty of Law);

II place - group PRt-11 (Vocational College of Economics, Law and Information Technologies);
group MARK-12 (Faculty of Economics and Management);

III place - group BKP-11 (B. Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations);
group MSD-11 and DIZ-11 (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences);
group FBS-11, FM-11 and FPS-11 (Faculty of Finance and Accounting).

Winners were also determined in 13 additional categories among students and 1 category among faculty advisors. The winners and participants of the competition will receive diplomas and certificates from the rector of WUNU Andriy Krysovatyy. Gifts for the winners are provided by WUNU Student Union.