» » 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations in Education: Trends and Perspectives of Development"

2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations in Education: Trends and Perspectives of Development"

Дата: 26-11-2021, 15:29 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, the Department of Education and Pedagogy of WUNU Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences organized the 2nd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovations in Education: Trends and Perspectives of Development". The co-organizers and participants of the event included representatives of higher education institutions of Ukraine and the world.

Zenoviy Zadorozhnyy, Vice-Rector for Research, gave a welcoming speech, emphasizing that the current society is characterized by the rapid development of the latest processes in the field of education.

During the conference, the participants discussed modern innovative technologies of teaching and education, the basics of developing these processes in professional education, individual potential in view of innovations in science.

Several professors of WUNU and other Ukrainian universities presented thier reports on topical issues. Additionally, multiple scholars from European HEIs joined the dicussion, including professors from International Scientific Society (Dortmund, Germany), the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow (Poland), the Catholic University of Ruzomberok (Slovakia).

Representatives from China also participate. Bao Xiaoning, a lecturer at the University of Technology in Wuhan and WUNU graduate student, presented the research on "Development and implementation of blended learning strategy in Chinese universities". Zhang Gege, WUNU postgraduate student, radio and television worker in Wuhan spoke about "Current trends in the training of musicians in Chinese colleges: the development and innovation of education in music education". Huang Yuwen, a graduate student at WUNU and an employee of the Oceanological University of China, spoke about the introduction of technological innovations.