» » WUNU project won a competition from the National Research Foundation of Ukraine

WUNU project won a competition from the National Research Foundation of Ukraine

Дата: 8-12-2021, 12:55 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On December 7, the Scientific Council of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine published the ranking lists of participants in the competition "Science for Security and Sustainable Development of Ukraine". The programmes will be implemented in 2022-2024. The total funding from the grant support of NRFU in 2022 - 150 million UAH.

The project of the Classical University of Ternopil "Implementation of climate-neutral innovations in agricultural management in the context of environmental and energy security of Ukraine", submitted by scientists of the ERI of Innovation, Environmental Management and Infrastructure has the second best result among all higher education institutions under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (95.7 points). The project is curated by prof. Vasyl Brych.

Receiving significant grant support once again, WUNU confirms the high level of science and innovation at our institution and professionalism of our staff.