» » Leadership game for negotiators from John Maxwell

Leadership game for negotiators from John Maxwell

Дата: 20-12-2021, 09:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students of "Negotiations and Conflict Resolution" had a lively, productive and dynamic discussion about the leaders during the leadership game from John Maxwell. The event was moderated by Ihor Reveha - a certified coach and John Maxwell team speaker, owner of the Leadership Academy, founder of the early development school "Smartum".

This comprehensive game is designed to help leaders and organizations uncover their strengths. While playing, participants can get to know each other better, learn basic leadership principles and values through discussion.

Participants discussed the following issues:
Leader as a master of influence, leadership as a phenomenon.
How to influence people with your abilities, skills or other resources?
To be a leader - to reveal your strengths or overcome weaknesses?
Is time a powerful resource or "shifting sand", is it possible to manage time?
Clear strategic planning or strategic flexibility - where is the advantage?
By giving people what they want, you are more likely to get what you want: is the saying true?
To be right or to be happy - which is more important? Or about the power of emotional intelligence.