» » The director of the School of International Communications of WUNU visited the Vienna University College of Teacher Education

The director of the School of International Communications of WUNU visited the Vienna University College of Teacher Education

Дата: 21-12-2021, 15:15 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 From December 13 to 18, Olga Tsaryk, Director of the School of International Communications of WUNU, paid a working visit to the Vienna University College of Teacher Education (Austria).

The main purpose of the trip is to discuss the results and plans within the Erasmus+ KA107 project - a joint enterprise of West Ukrainian National University and the Vienna University College of Teacher Education.

During the business trip, the representatives agreed upon the conditions for a semester-long stay of Iryna Myshka, a student majoring in Business Communication and Translation at WUNU, at PH Wien. The courseload consists of 30 ECTS credits, including the following disciplines: "Regional geography", "Intercultural Competences and Global Dimensions of the Teaching Profession", "Media and Information Competences", "German Language Course for International Students", "Educational Practice for International Students" , "Inclusion in education". The peculiarity of conducting classes in the international program is the bilingual use of German and English.

During a meeting with Dr. Thomas Bauer, Head of the International Office of PH Wien, prof. Tsaryk discussed the semester training of PH Wien student Lisa Bauer at West Ukrainian National University during the first semester of 2021/22 academic year.