» » New milestones of international cooperation of the Education and Research Institute of Communications of WUNU

New milestones of international cooperation of the Education and Research Institute of Communications of WUNU

Дата: 28-12-2021, 13:13 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, scholars of West Ukrainian National University met online with representatives of the B2 Ljubljana School of Business.

The event was attended by Oksana Desyatnyuk (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research (International Relations)), Olga Tsaryk (Director of the ERIC School of International Communications), Lidija Weis (Dean of the B2 Ljubljana School of Business, President of the EUMMAS Women's Forum), and Katarina Aškerc Zadravec (Deputy Dean of the B2 Ljubljana School of Business).

The meeting was initiated by Oksana Koval, Director of the Education and research Institute of Communications, a member of EUMMAS.

The parties discussed the exchange of experience in the field of intercultural communication, negotiations and mediation in the field of business, implementation of joint projects, cooperation in grant programmes.

The educators also agreed about the signing of an agreement between the institutions, the admission of the classical University of Ternopil to the European Marketing and Management Association (EUMMAS), which includes 21 universities from the United States, Georgia, Slovenia, Finland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Serbia, Romania , Portugal, Turkey, France, UAE, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Poland, Northern Macedonia, etc.