» » Peace Light of Bethlehem

Peace Light of Bethlehem

Дата: 30-12-2021, 20:03 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Members of the National Scout Organization "Plast" handed over the Peace Light of Bethlehem to the staff of West Ukrainian National University. Rector of West Ukrainian National University Andriy Krysovatyy received a symbol of warmth, peace, harmony, hope, and serenity.

The Light of Bethlehem was handed over by the young women of the Ivanka Blazhkevych kurin and Vitalii Mykhailytsia, a senior platoon leader from the Order of the Crusaders kurin (also Head of WUNU Museum). 

Students-artists of the Arts Sector of West Ukrainian National University graced the participants with loud and merry carols and sincere congratulations.