» » The University of Gdańsk expresses its condolences on the attack on Ukraine

The University of Gdańsk expresses its condolences on the attack on Ukraine

Дата: 25-02-2022, 18:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 "The University of Gdańsk strongly condemns the attack on and violence against our neighbor. We express our full solidarity with all of Ukraine and stand ready to provide all possible assistance during this difficult time. We urge the government to take all possible measures to ensure the safety of those seeking international protection and trying to cross the border.

The Senate of the University of Gdańsk unanimously supported the resolution - the Declaration of Solidarity with Ukraine. Read the appendix to the resolution № 7/22 here: view online  download

, as well as the statement of the academic community on Russia's aggression against Ukraine from KRASP: view online   download

At the same time, we are mobilizing all possible assistance, including fundraising. At this difficult time, when we are all struggling with different emotions, we would like to announce that we provide free psychological support to all Ukrainian students and staff of the Academic Center for Psychological Support of the University of Gdańsk - More: https://centrumwsparcia.ug.edu.pl/.

We have also created an e-mail to contact our university for any support - ukraina@ug.edu.pl.

Our academic community will continue to engage and develop cooperation in all its forms with our Ukrainian academic partners.