» » WUNU professor joins the ranks of Ukraine's defenders!

WUNU professor joins the ranks of Ukraine's defenders!

Дата: 28-02-2022, 16:07 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 He has been defending Ukraine for eight years now: first he took part in the anti-terrorist operation and then continued the fight in the information space as a well-known scientist, and now he is going to defend our state with weapons again.

Mykola Lazarovych is a Ukrainian historian, political scientist, public figure, doctor of political sciences, honored worker of education of Ukraine, veteran, member of the Expert Council at the Ministry of Veterans Affairs. He has authored a number of books and more than 570 scientific and educational works, monographs, editions of textbooks and manuals on economic history, history of Ukraine and political management. He was awarded by the President of Ukraine "For participation in the anti-terrorist operation", received the commendation from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as "Participant of the ATO".